Rosanna Adams is a hairdresser based in Worcester specialising in handmade hair replacement systems, hair enhancers, volumizers, wigs and toppers which can be clipped in or made permanent for anyone dealing with hair loss due to Polycystic Ovaries (PCOS).
From her private salon in Worcester, Rosanna can help guide you on the best options for your specific needs. Why not arrange a consultation to see how she can help.
Recent Transformation

My client has been struggling with PCOS for the past 4 years, and it has greatly affected her confidence and self-esteem. She found it difficult to go out and interact with people because she was embarrassed about her hair loss. However, with the help of my hair loss system, I have been able to transform her hair and boost her confidence. Today, when she saw her new hair, she had the biggest smile on her face and was filled with excitement. She couldn’t wait to show her husband and work colleagues her new look. She even said that now she can go out with her head held high, without feeling self-conscious. It’s truly rewarding to see the positive impact I have been able to make in her life.Rosanna Adams
What we offer at Crown of Roses
Custom Made Wig & Hairpieces

Turbans Catalogue
Browse through our online catalogue to see a few of the range of turbans that we sell. Contact us for our latest prices.

Custom Made Wigs
View our recent custom made hairpieces and toppers which we make exclusively for our clients and will cut, colour and style your wig to suit you.

Shampoos & Conditioners
View our range of shampoos and conditioners here which help with hair loss and contact us for our latest prices.
More Hair Loss Success Stories
With a bespoke hair system, coloured and cut to suit which can be clipped in and taken off or worn permanently and has given instant confidence! You can see many more clients who have been helped on our Facebook page.